Running a Beach League: Where to Begin?

2024-02-27T09:02:39-06:00May 27th, 2016|Categories: Beach, Blog, Events|

Beach volleyball is one of the largest growing sports in the world, and this holds true for any level, because it's fun. Adults have been competing in co-ed after work beach volleyball leagues for many years. As more volleyball clubs are owning and leasing facilities, Club Directors are realizing the demand for indoor and outdoor sand courts. During off-peak times when your teams are not practicing on the sand courts or your club is not hosting a beach tournament, running a beach league is the perfect way to increase the bottom line, while bringing new customers to your facility. Here are some ways to get started.

The JVA World Challenge Lands in Metropolis of Sports

2016-04-19T13:41:30-05:00April 19th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Events, News, Travel|

For more than a hundred years, Kansas City, Missouri, has been known as the City of Fountains, and it is widely known for serving up some of the world's best barbecue. But in the last few decades, Kansas City has added a new nickname to its list: City of Fanatics—sports fanatics, that is. How fitting that the 2016 JVA World Challenge makes its debut in Kansas City, as the JVA embarks upon it's 10 year anniversary, a huge milestone for what once was a very small organization with a very large purpose.

Benefits of a 3 Team Pool

2021-03-29T13:33:22-05:00April 1st, 2016|Categories: Blog, Club Director, Events|

t's been almost 30 years since I began coaching volleyball and running the Fort Wayne Volleyball Club, which was formed in 1987. Tournaments back then had entry fees of $50 dollars per team. Multi-day tournaments were unheard of except for the national championships run by USAV or AAU. We played in small gyms off the beaten path. Most had low ceilings and very little space in between courts. It was rare to find two courts side by side because most auxiliary gyms were found downstairs in a basement or in a non-joining building with no air conditioning. We always played for something. Ribbon, metal, certificate. Something to walk away with to prove we played and maybe won or maybe didn't. Let's fast forward to present day.

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