The plight of a youth sports organizer is a complex one. By day, you’re a coach, mentor, trainer, and organizer who makes sure programming runs smoothly, games start on time, kids are where they need to be, and everyone is happy. By night, you’re a marketing manager, data analyst, accountant, and sometimes even a web developer.

How is it possible to get everything done in a day, not to mention done right? Well, as any entrepreneur knows, you need to prioritize.

Data is one of the most important places to look when figuring out what to prioritize in your organization. It provides a comprehensive picture of what is working in your organization, what isn’t, and what needs some extra attention.

By using an analytics tool to better understand your organization’s data, you will save time, reduce staffing needs, and grow—so it’s well worth your time. Here are a few reasons your volleyball organization should be taking advantage of data and analytics to prepare for the upcoming season.

More Accurate Marketing

Analyzing your player data can give you crucial insights about your players—like where they live, where they don’t live, customer lifespan, invoice information, demographics, attendance, repeat registrations, and more.

Using this information, you can be more intentional with your branding and marketing to make your organization more desirable to current and potential customers.

Improve Retention

Another crucial use case of data and analytics is improving your customer retention—the more you know about your customers, the better you can serve them!

Here’s a great example: if the majority of your customers live in and around the same neighborhood, you will want to choose that neighborhood to host events, practice, find places to hang out after games, identify local sponsor opportunities, and set up carpool and bussing opportunities. The easier it is for your customers to be an active member of your programming, the more likely they will come back year after year.

Convert More Registrations

Have you ever received a “you left this in your cart!” email? Well, what if you did the same thing for a parent who abandoned their registration halfway through? Data can help you determine this, effectively helping you convert more registrations—because people who are halfway through registering are more likely to complete than someone who hasn’t started at all!

Make More Money

Financial reports are crucial for any business—and you can use them to track your invoices, credits, cash accounting, transactions, orders, discount codes, and more. You’ll stay more organized and on top of your finances, identify revenue opportunities that are being left on the table, and improve your accounting and bookkeeping.

It’s Easier Than You Think

When you hear data and analytics, you might feign interest because of how intense it sounds. But the reality is, many youth sports management and registration platforms have these kinds of reporting features built in, so you don’t have to worry about learning a whole new software.

To learn more about how data and analytics can help you take your youth volleyball organization to the next level, click here.