“We strive for excellence and through dedication and commitment we become better,” shares Winkler. “Our board has really done an excellent job with our third area of focus as we begin our 2022 season. Amy Mallett and Kate Gnida spearheaded our efforts with Foster children and families.”
Winkler has been a positive force for growing the club’s partnership with the community. He coordinated the Serve, Dig and Stock the Shelves Scrimmages that amassed 3,700 items for local food banks. Each team was asked to bring 10 non-perishable items as their entry fee to the scrimmages. There were 40 teams from four different clubs that participated.

“We were amazed at the participation,” adds Winkler. “We have a local health care provider (PACE at Home Care) that has a food pantry for their elderly patients. We were able to completely fill their pantry and will assist with feeding over one hundred patients for the next 4-5 months.
Each year, CSVC offers team families the opportunity to offset annual club fees through its Player Banner Program. Each donation provides financial aid support for individual club fees, while at the same time contributes to CSVC’s General Financial
Aid Fund. CSVC’s Financial Aid Fund awards athletes support through an application process.
“In previous years, we have been able to award on average nearly $15,000 in financial support. We have helped numerous past and present athletes participate in CSVC’s top-level training programs when financial situations would have made such participation an impossibility,” says Winkler.
All organizations that participate in the Banner Program have the opportunity to not only support youth athletics but also expose their brand to CSVC players and families.
Carolina Select (Hickory, NC) is a member of the Junior Volleyball Association, an organization that is 100% committed to improving the junior volleyball experience through program and resource development, education and events. Learn more here.