Keep the GREAT Coaches Coaching

2025-02-17T09:08:09-06:00February 19th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Club Director, Culture, Parents|

GREAT coaches are leaving the coaching world. Not because they're ready to retire after a long, polished career. GREAT coaches are quitting. GREAT coaches are being pushed out. GREAT coaches are realizing it's unfortunately not all about the athletes. Let's dive into four ways to keep the GREAT coaches coaching, along with some advice for coaches who are facing a challenge.

A5 Trains and Competes in Japan: Key Takeaways for Coaches and Directors

2018-12-28T03:13:14-06:00December 28th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Club Director, Culture, Members, Travel|

Over Thanksgiving of this year, A5 was fortunate to travel to Japan with a select group of 16 athletes from three different age groups. The trip to Japan marked the club's 9th international outing, and from a volleyball perspective, was in many ways the most impactful trip to date. Club Director Bob Westbrook shares the important takeaways from a coach's and club director's perspective.

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