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So far jva_wordpress has created 81 blog entries.

From the JVA Office: 3 Signs You Are In Control of Your Business

2021-08-16T18:05:28-05:00August 14th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Club Director|

There are constant moving parts to running a volleyball club. Tournament schedules, coaching assignments, new programs, and new athletes are simply a few of the variables a club director juggles with every new season. However, it's important for a club director to be able to rely on a few constants. As you prepare for a new season, here are three signs that can dictate whether you are in control of your own business.

An AthLeaders Journey: Legacy’s Kennedy Dolmage Realizes Her Passion to Make a Difference

2019-08-09T01:24:58-05:00August 9th, 2019|Categories: Awards, Blog, Players|

Like many younger sisters, Kennedy served as her older sister's pepper partner, so it didn't take long for volleyball to become her passion. In the top tier of her class, the 2020 Ultra Ankle JVA AthLeader is driven to not only excel in school, but to make an impact on the lives of others. Here's her journey.

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