It is common for volleyball athletes to suffer from chronic back injuries, herniated discs, and overuse injuries. Strengthening the lower back and the core are two keys to preventing and relieving lower back pain.  Let’s take a look at each one separately:

Spine Strengthening Series

Adding a spine strengthening series to your fitness routine will help volleyball athletes avoid lower back pain and move with ease.Roll out your mat and let’s get started.

Cobra Pose
Locust Pose
Bow Pose
Hold each of the poses below for 5 big breaths before moving on to the next. Repeat 3 times.

Core Strengthening Exercises

Now that our backs are strengthened, let’s address strengthening the core to relieve lower back pain. The strength of your core is directly linked to how your back feels. Theoretically, if your QL’s (quadratus lumborum, or low back muscles) are weak, your body will rely on other soft tissues to stabilize your spine. Sometimes this means the ligaments are recruited to do work and that is not their job, which can lead to injury. In order to avoid this, you can combine the above series with some abdominal exercises listed below.

High Plank
Side Plank
High Plank to Low Plank
Complete each exercise for 60 seconds, before moving on to the next. Repeat 3 times.

When you’re ready to try more exercises, as well as yoga and meditation, sign up for a 7-day free trial and use code JVA30 for 30% off any YAX Online plan!

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About the Author

Patricia Bomar is the co-owner of Yoga Athletex LLC with her sister, Kalynn Evans. She was an athlete from the age of 4, playing multiple sports competitively at the club level for 14 years. Her college years included club and intramural sports. She earned her B.S. in Sport Management from Texas A&M in 2007. While studying she worked under the TAMU Track & Field coach, as a personal trainer following the NSCA – CSCS program. At the time she was also a volleyball and softball coach and was an avid member of CrossFit. In 2013 she earned her 200 hour yoga certification and in 2015 earned her 300 hour yoga certification. Currently she has earned the ERYT500 standard. Shortly after, she became certified in Functional Movement Systems (FMSC). In 2017, she acquired her NASM – CPT certificate and continues to attend several intensives and workshops to stay up to date with current exercise science. Her latest certification was the fitness nutrition specialist (FNS) acquired through NASM. She is currently an official education provider for the National Academy of Sport Medicine, Athletics and Fitness Association of America and the Yoga Alliance. With over 17 years experience, Patricia has a strong passion for bringing the healing benefits of yoga to her fellow athletes for injury prevention and increased performance.