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Club Directors



Basics to Start a Boys Program

June 17th, 2019|Blog, Boys, Club Director|

Is your club passionate about starting a boys program? One misconception is that a boys program should field travel teams immediately. However, here's an example of a boys program that began simply as a development league, with very low overhead cost. Learn how KIVA's boys program went in year one, and some easy steps your club can mirror.




7 Player-Run Drills to Make Practice More Efficient and Effective

March 10th, 2017|Blog, Coaching, Culture, Members|

There are many philosophies and opinions out there about what makes practices efficient and effective, but in this instance, let's focus on removing the coaches from running the drill. That might sound crazy to some because the person running the drill, in many ways, controls its efficiency and effectiveness; but by placing the responsibility of controlling the pace, energy level, and the amount of effort on your players, you are accomplishing many things. To better understand, here are examples of player run drills.






4 Recruiting Tips for Parents

July 9th, 2019|Blog, Parents, Recruiting|

Parents don’t always know when they’re being evaluated by college coaches. And it's important to make a positive impact on their child’s recruiting process without getting in the way. To help you embrace your supporting role and assist your child in their quest to play college volleyball, here are some recruiting tips for parents.


The JVA World Challenge Lands in Metropolis of Sports

April 19th, 2016|Blog, Events, News, Travel|

For more than a hundred years, Kansas City, Missouri, has been known as the City of Fountains, and it is widely known for serving up some of the world's best barbecue. But in the last few decades, Kansas City has added a new nickname to its list: City of Fanatics—sports fanatics, that is. How fitting that the 2016 JVA World Challenge makes its debut in Kansas City, as the JVA embarks upon it's 10 year anniversary, a huge milestone for what once was a very small organization with a very large purpose.

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If you are interested in partnering with the JVA, contact Briana Schunzel.

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