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How to Create Better Sports Parents

January 29th, 2019|Blog, Club Director, Fitness/Mental Training, Parents|

Parents can set the precedent for the athlete's mental toughness. How parents behave and communicate before an event, during an event and after an event is the precedent that is set. It's important for a club director and coach to foster a learning environment for the parents so they can develop positive sports parenting habits. Here's a good place to start.

From the JVA Office: The Impact of the D1 Recruiting Legislation Changes

January 15th, 2019|Blog, Club Director, Coaching, Parents, Players, Recruiting|

With new recruiting legislation comes a host of adjustments for both the student-athletes, the clubs and the college coaches; and this isn’t a static thing. The challenge is to figure out how it affects the athletes' recruiting timelines and how coaches can put young athletes in a position to be successful and empowered given the current rules. Here is information on the most recent changes to NCAA Division I recruiting legislation as of August 2018, and the proposed changes that, if approved, could take effect in 2019, and some points of emphasis to communicate with the student-athletes in your club who are pursuing the opportunity to play at the collegiate level.



Attracting the Multi-Sport Athletes to Your Club

November 1st, 2017|Blog, Club Director, Players, Travel|

There are many factors that multi-sport athletes look for when choosing a volleyball club. Many clubs have found ways to appeal to the multi-sport athlete, and VC Nebraska is one of them. Based on the club's demographics, VC Nebraska made some adjustments in order to attract multi-sport athletes to the club. Based on her experience, Club Director Maggie Griffin shares three ways to attract the multi-sport athletes to your club.

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